Chef Andrew Spurgin

San Diego, CA, USA

Name: Andrew Ryland Spurgin
Age: 53
Nationality: English
Country of Residence: USA

1. Your Restaurant/Business: Campine Catering

2. About Your Kitchen: We have one main kitchen, it services all the catering needs and does prep for our cuisine to go shops (both of them do finish work on site). Our bistro has a state of the art kitchen and is blessed with an 3/4 acre organic garden, the produce from the garden is served at  that venue

3. Your Favorite Chef Works Item: Dishwasher shirts and anything Egyptian Cotton

4. First Job: Working as a slave in my aunt’s kitchen and uncle’s butcher shop in London

5. Your Cookbook: It’s in my head, now I just have to put pen to paper

6. Your Awards:
2011 Chefs Hall of Fame – San Diego Home & Gardens Magazine
2011 50 People to Watch – San Diego Magazine
2011 Star Award Catersource
2009 Ace Award
2004 Spotlight Award Event Solutions Magazine

7. Your Cooking Inspiration: Passion, Season, Aunts, Grandma, and Uncles who were chefs,  restaurateurs and butchers

8. Your Speciality Dish: The one I haven’t thought of yet, stupid answer; but true

9. Favorite Dish To Eat: Oysters and Sancerre or Sardines on Toast

10. Weirdest Thing You Ever Ate: Cactus Grubs, Brazilian Leaf Cutter Ants, Horse Udon, Scorpion, Fermented Fish Bladders, Mosquito Eggs

11. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Single Malt

12. Favorite Drink: Water

13. Favorite Wine: Bandol Rosé

14. Who Would You Most Like To Cook For: My Aunts, Grandma and Uncles, they have passed

15. Who Would You Least Like To Cook For: Condescending, self-Important, culinary twits

16. Favorite Things To Do When Not Cooking: Have someone else feed me

17. Your Latest Project:   Sustainable Seafood Lectures and The Blue Ocean Institute’s Green Chef Blue Ocean Project (;   School Lunch! Project (

18. Favorite City and Why: Tokyo, Japan – amazing people, epic cuisine

19. Your Greatest Indulgence: L’Ambroisie in Paris 1999, eating Bernard Pacaud’s Feuilleté de Truffle Fraîche “Bel Humeur” – Whole Truffle layered with Foie Gras and ensconced in Puff Pastry with Truffle Bordelaise – insane!

20. Your All Time Best Culinary Tip:  Travel, go to markets, get in as many great kitchens as you can. When you’re young, eat everything.