10 Tips on Becoming a Vegetarian (Or Just Eat Less Meat)


There are many reasons to eat less meat these days, and vegetarians aren’t nearly as uncommon as they were decades ago. Whether you want to dabble in a meatless lifestyle for health reasons, religious reasons, or want to get more involved in animal rights, it’s easier than ever to eat a meat free diet.

With that being said, every meat eater has favorites and giving them up can seem impossible. While most people probably know at least one vegetarian, most people still eat meat in some form, which can make it discouraging the first time you walk into a restaurant and find that you have only one option on the menu. Before you give up meat entirely, read this list of tips to help you do it right so that you can get the benefits you care about.

1.  Forget About Labels

A “vegetarian” by definition is someone that doesn’t eat meat. It sounds simple, until you start to realize that there are different types of vegetarians, each with their own name.

Don’t get caught up in labeling yourself. Instead, think about what you are trying to accomplish and why you’re doing it. If you’ve recently become a staunch animal right’s activist, maybe you want to go vegan (giving up all animal products), but maybe you just want to change your health, in which case you don’t have to give up dairy or eggs. Maybe you just want to cut back, or maybe you want to eat a cheeseburger every year on your birthday. The point is, do whatever makes sense for you, and don’t worry that your super vegan friend says you’re not a true vegetarian.

2. Take it Slow

If you decide right now that you’re never eating any type of meat again without having a reason or plan of attack, you will probably fail. It’s easy to get overzealous and excited about the benefits eating less meat will bring, but you have to be realistic. Instead of cutting everything out, try taking it slowly and cutting certain foods out one by one. Get rid of beef this week, pork the next, and chicken after that until you’ve gotten rid of all the meats you eat regularly. Then you can decide if you want to give up milk, cheese, and eggs. If you’re doing this only for yourself, then you can do it your way, and you should.

3. Eat Food For What it Is

One common mistake many new vegetarians make is they run out and buy vegetarian versions of their favorite foods. Veggie burgers, soy crumbles, and Tofurkey are all popular products, but the hard truth is that they don’t usually taste like the food they’re trying to replicate. This leads to major disappointment when you’re craving a juicy burger and that frozen soy patty just doesn’t cut it.

Instead, forget about trying to replace meat with foods that simply aren’t meat. A veggie burger can be an amazing thing if it’s made from scratch with flavorful ingredients, but it’s never going to taste like a burger because, well, it’s not a burger. The same goes for fake chicken, bacon, and other meatless products.

4. Don’t Become a “Carbatarian”

While it’s a common misconception, many people believe that giving up meat means having fewer options when it comes to food choices, but if done correctly, the opposite of this is actually true. When you don’t eat meat, you have to replace it with something, but most new vegetarians just choose rice, pasta, or other high carb options. Not only does this get boring after a while, but it also takes a toll on your health.

Instead, make it a habit of trying new foods. There are thousands of vegetables, beans, and grains out there that you’ve probably never had, and now is the time to try them. You’ll find your diet much more interesting, and probably more nutritious.

5. Get Rid of Meat You Don’t Care About

In a Western diet, meat is found in places it really doesn’t need to be. There are bacon bits on salads, sausage links with your pancakes, or even chicken in a vegetable stir-fry. A lot of the time, it’s there not because it really adds anything to the meal, but because many people can’t fathom the idea of eating a meal without meat.

Before you do anything else, sit down and make a list of your favorite meals, focusing on things that you know don’t have meat. You may be surprised to find that there are plenty of meals you enjoy that are meat free or that you can eliminate meat from entirely. Of course, some meals can’t be made meat free (pot roast or ribs, for example) and you can decide to eat those occasionally if they’re truly your favorites, but you may be able to cut out a large portion of the meat in your diet simply because you don’t care about it.

6. Don’t Get Caught Up in The Health Food Hype

Many people associate vegetarians with weird foods only available in health food stores, but this is a myth that needs debunked. A vegetarian doesn’t eat meat; it’s as simple as that. There are plenty of everyday foods that you eat that are perfectly fine; you don’t need to shop elsewhere to be healthy or a “true” vegetarian.

7. Go Ethnic

Looking for flavorful meals that don’t rely on meat? Try ethnic foods. Indian, Chinese, and other cultures rely on vegetables and spices for flavor instead of animal fat, and you can too.

8. Eat Good Vegetarian Foods

The best way to convince yourself that vegetarian food can be delicious is to eat it. A salad can be great, but it can also be boring after eating it over and over again. If you know someone that’s a longtime vegetarian, ask him or her to help you cook, share recipes, or take you to their favorite vegetarian friendly restaurant. If you’re simply removing the meat from foods you already love, or eating macaroni and cheese over and over, you’ll eventually get bored and go back to eating meat. Good vegetarian food is out there, and once you find it, you’ll be hooked.

9. Don’t Worry About Protein

It’s hands down the most common question vegetarians get asked: “Where do you get your protein?” If you’re new to the lifestyle, you may be wondering it too, but don’t.

Many plant foods are high in protein, including beans and legumes, nuts, seeds, and even vegetables. Some foods, such as quinoa, are perfect for a vegetarian diet, as it’s a complete protein. If you eat a variety of these types of foods, you will get enough protein, guaranteed.

10. Give it Some Time

Going from full-fledged meat eater to vegetarian and actually enjoying it is possible, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Take your time, do it your way, and experiment with new foods. You may slip up and eat a slice of pepperoni pizza, and that’s okay. The important thing is that you do it for your own reasons and that you are happy with your choices.


It’s no question that eating less meat can have benefits for many people, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. Whether you’re looking to give up meat and animal products entirely, or just cut back, it’s definitely possible, and can even be life changing. By following these tips and making the change because it’s something you want to do, you’ll find yourself enjoying a more varied diet before you know it.

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