8 Ways to Reduce Chef Burnout

(Source: Flickr) Chef burnout is a very real thing, and it is particularly rampant in the restaurant industry. The stress and demands of the bustling restaurant setting can prove too much for kitchen employees when they don’t have enough support and time off. This can lead to exhaustion, resentment, and dissatisfaction.

How to Avoid Common Food Vendor Issues

(Source: Flickr) When it comes to running a restaurant, there are a lot of different people and systems which need to come together in harmony to keep the restaurant operating smoothly, successfully, and profitably. In terms of allowing a restaurant to offer consistent culinary offerings, food vendors are of particular importance. After all, it’s theFIND OUT MORE |

How to Define Your Target Customer

(Source: Flickr) Here’s an important question for any restaurant owner: who is your target customer? Who are the customers you’re marketing to, who are frequenting your establishment, and who are keeping your business running? It may come as a surprise, but many restaurateurs don’t give this subject proper thought, which results in inefficient marketing effortsFIND OUT MORE |

8 Ways to Automate Your Restaurant

(Source: Flickr) We’re living in an increasingly tech-driven society. But the technology isn’t just limited to scrolling through your smartphone for instant information, cool Instagram pictures, or connection with friends; it’s affecting every aspect of our lives, including how we eat.